Passing through the pampa

Actually I wanted to go to Cordoba by train, but the tracks were under water and I had to take the bus. The bus ride was very boring because the landscape is very unspectecular. I only saw "The Pampas", the flat and poor vegetation typical for Argentina.

Here it was also quite hot and there was not much going on in the city, because this city lives from its many students, but they all had just semester holidays. Most beautiful in the city are the cathedral and the Los Capuchinos church.

When I was walking through the city an Argentinian woman ran me over and blamed it on me. Many had told me that the people here were the friendliest Argentines. I didn't feel it at all.

Loosing my tooth

In Cordoba I was haunted by bad luck. When I was eating a roll for dinner, I noticed a piece of bread in my mouth that was damn hard. Finally I realized that it was not a crumb at all, but a piece of my tooth that had broken out. Probably I had drunk too many soft drinks the days before. Shit! And just that evening a Czech woman in my room asked me if I wanted to go to a punk concert. Unfortunately it didn't work out with my problem tooth.

So the next day I made an appointment with a dentist. It was quite uncomplicated. I paid about 50 € (what my insurance paid me later). The doctor was able to fix the tooth and I had no more problems during the whole trip, even less than 3 years later with my crown now in place.

I rested one day and took the bus to Mendoza the next day, a city near the Andes.

Feb. 18, 2020, 11:01 a.m.